Juno standing right holding scepter in left hand and patera in right
Fortuna standing right holding rudder in left hand and cornucopia in right
Carandini, A. and C. Panella, Eds. (1977). Ostia IV. Le Terme del Nuotatore. Scavo dell'ambiente XVI e dell'area XXV. (Studi Miscellanei 23). Rome, p. 391
AV: Juno standing left holding sceptre in left hand and patera in outstretched right; legend on right hand side
Dressel, H. (1922). Römische Bleimarken. Zeitschrift für Numismatik 33: 178-183, Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.