A hexagonal mold half for 9 square tokens of lead (8mmx8mm) , which are decorated with three dots with a central canal and two holes to affix it to the other half of the mold.
Mould half for 9 circular tokens of 9mm, all of the same design: a ship with four oars and two people in it. A central casting channel with branches coming off it is present.
Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo nel Museo Nazionale Romano. Notizie degli scavi di Antichità: 11-17, no. 4
Palombino mould half for 5 circular tokens of c. 17mm, all of the same design: Minerva standing right holding spear in right hand and resting left on shield.
Giglioli, G. Q. (1913). Due matrici di tessere plumblee. Ausonia. Rivista della società italiana di archeologia e storia dell'arte 7: 3-6.
LVE: Mould half for token of two different sizes, each with their own casting channel and branches coming off it. On the left is a set of 5 circular tokens of 17mm with LVE, and on the right another 7 tokens of 9mm size with the same legend (LVE) presented as a monogram. Nail holes in the upper right and lower left corners
Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 33: 146-153, no. 4
Mould half for 7 tokens showing an eagle. The shape of the tokens is not given, the presumption is they are circular.
NSc. 1918, p. 132, Spagnoli, E. (2017). Un nucleo di piombi 'monetiformi' da Ostia, Terme dei Cisiarii (II.II.3): problematiche interpretative e quadro di circolazione. Per un contributo di storia economica e di archeologia della produzione tra II e III secolo d.C. Annali dell'Instituto Italiano di Numismatica 63: 179-234. Pl. VI no. 4?
AF P ; MS A: Mould half for 3 square tokens of c. 12.5x13mm carrying the legend AF above P and 3 tokens in the shape of a tabula ansata with the legend MS above A.
Giglioli, G. Q. (1913). Due matrici di tessere plumblee. Ausonia. Rivista della società italiana di archeologia e storia dell'arte 7: 3-6.
C: Half of a hexagonal mould for 9 tokens, each inscribed with a C. A central channel and channels coming off the central channel are present, as are two holes in the corners to allow it to be fastened to another mould half. The shape of the tokens is not given, it is presumed they are circular.
Fragment of a lunense marble mould half for 8 square tokens, all with the same design: an anthropomorphic figure holding a sceptre (?), with a container (modius?) between the legs (?). Central and branch casting channels.
Falzone, S. and A. Pellegrino, Eds. (2014). Scavi di Ostia XV: Insula delle Ierodule (c.d. Casa di Lucceia Primitiva: III, IX, 6). Roma, Il Cigno GG Edizioni, p. 364
Mould half for 9 circular tokens of 12.5mm, all of the same design: two cornucopiae on either side of a caduceus. A central casting channel is present as well as the branches coming off it
Ruggiero, E. (1878). Catalogo del Museo Kircheriano. Rome, p. 317 no. 8
IV: Half of a palombino marble mould for 5 tokens (shape not given, presumably circular). The three token moulds to the right of the central channel were decorated with IV, and the two on the left a palm branch.
A full mould of two halves that produced rectangular tokens (14-16mm) with Isis standing right holding sistrum in raised left hand and situla in lowered right on one side, and a sistrum on the other.
Ficoroni, F. 1740. I piombi antichi. Rome, Girolamo Mainardi. p. 166, 1, table 1, Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg., https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000917434
C: Mould for casting 9 square tokens of c. 5mm in diameter, all engraved with the same legend. There are casting channels and the remains of nails in the top left and lower right corners.
Pardini, G., M. Piacentini, A. C. Felici, M. L. Santarelli and S. Santucci (2016). Matrici per tessere plumbee dalle pendici nord-orientali del Palatino. Nota preliminare. Le regole del gioco tracce archeologi racconti. Studi in onore di Clementina Panella. A. F. Ferrandes and G. Pardini, Edizioni Quasar: 649-667. (http://zenon.dainst.org/Record/001478955)
Half of a palombino marble mould for 11 circular tokens of 11mm (of which three are missing - the lower right corner has broken off), all decorated with the head of Sarapis. A central casting channel and smaller channels coming off it are present; on the upper left corner is a nail hole.