C. MITREIVS L. F. MAG. IVVENT: Bare male head right, cornucopia (?) below. C. MITREIVS L. F. MAG. IVVENT around. Dotted border.
L. SEXTILI∙ S.P.: Two story building with five columns on each floor (basilica?). On the building, between each floor, L. SEXTILI∙ S.P.
CIL X p. 681 n. 166, Federico, E. and E. Miranda, Eds. (1998). Capri Antica. Dalla preistoria alla fine dell'età romana. Capri, Edizioni La Conchiglia.
C. MITREIVS L. F. MAG. IVVENT: Bare male head right, cornucopia (?) below. C. MITREIVS L. F. MAG. IVVENT around. Dotted border.
L. SEXTILI∙ S.P.: Two story building with five columns on each floor (basilica?). On the building, between each floor, L. SEXTILI∙ S.P.
de Belfort, A. (1892). Essai de classification des tessères romaines en bronze. Annuaire de la Société Française de Numismatique 16: 126-133, 171-129, 237-142.
Di Vita-Evrard, G., S. Fontana and M. Munzi (1997). Le necropoli di Leptis Magna III. Une tombe hypogée de la nécropole occidentale: Laurentii ou Claudii? Libya Antiqua 3: 119-138.
Munzi, M. (1997). Quadranti anonimi e tessere monetali dalle tombe di Leptis Magna. Annotazione Numismatische 26: 589-593. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000614551)
Di Vita-Evrard, G., L. Musso, F. Mallegni and S. Fontana (1996). L'ipogeo dei Flavi a Leptis Magna presso Gasr Gelda. Libya Antiqua 2: 85-134. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000616136)
Munzi, M. (1997). Quadranti anonimi e tessere monetali dalle tombe di Leptis Magna. Annotazione Numismatische 26: 589-593. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000614551)
Abascal, J. M., A. Alberola, R. Cebrián and I. Hortelano (2010). Segobriga 2009. Resumen de las intervenciones arqueológicas. Cuenca, Consorcio Parque Arqueológico de Segóbriga., Martínez Chico, D. (2019). Tesserae frumentariae, nummariae et 'Spintriae' Hispaniae. Hallazgos y nuevas perspectivas. Revue Numismatique 176: no. 49, https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000850467
IOVI-DIOCLETIANO AVG: Radiate bust of Diocletian l. with the mantle of Jupiter on his l. shoulder and his r. arm, holding a scepter in his raised r. hand
VOT-A PVBLICA: Neptune standing r., l. foot on a prow, holding a trident in his r. hand and a dolphin in his l., facing Isis who stands facing him, wearing a basileion, holding a sistrum in her r. hand and a situla in her l.
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 1, pl. I, 3., F. Gnecchi, I medaglioni romani, Volume III: Bronzo, Milano 1912, p. 78, no. 40, pl. 158, 11., S. Estiot, ‘Sine arcu sagittae: La représentation numismatique de plumbatae/mattiobarbuli aux IIIe-IVe siècles (279-307 de n. è.)’, NZ 116-117 (2008), pp. 177-201, p. 199, no. 35.