Kneeling warrior with shield, spear, helmet, attacked from left by lion.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Prow right with small figure seated on the forecastle, knees drawn up.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Athena bust right, with Corinthian helmet and aegis, long curls.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Female bust at right, hair in bun low on neck, facing a male bust at left, uncertain long oval object above.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Eagle standing left on uncertain object with head turned right, in the field right goddess holding two torches, in the field left inscribed with a word, of which only the first three letters can be read with certaintly: ΣΩΤ
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
CSZ: Two palm branches, arranged horizontally in opposite directions, one above legend and one below.
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
Herakles stealing tripod. Herakles moving left, head turned back, club in right hand, tripod in left. Just below the right hand, part of a snake with raised head and, between the legs, a thin line, probably the leg of an animal.
Youth with maiden seated on his lap. Youth seated left with maiden, right, seated On his lap; a petasos hanging from the youth's shoulders.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Janiform head, with bearded head left, female head right, lion's head above, long-legged long-necked bird below. The head and upper part of body of the bird serve as separator of the two heads, and the tail as the beard of the male head.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
IVLM|PM: VL ligated; second legend stamped in circular countermark; 3 triangular points arranged in a horizontal line above and below both legends.
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
MMV: Legend arranged in a circle around a central point; triangular points between letters.
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
PSV: Triangular point between letters; legend arranged in a circle; type stamped four times onto a circular flan.
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (
Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent,