Genius populi Romani on the left standing left, draped from the waist down, holding patera in right hand and cornucopia in left. Behind him stands Roma or Minerva holding spear in left hand and uncertain object in right .
Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.,
MAG·MINERVALES M·N· II II: Minerva (or Roma?) standing left with spear in left hand and globe (?) in extended right, shield at side. Legend around and number II to left and to right.
N F: Letter on either side of a rectangular object (tessera?) in which there is uncertain lettering (PVII?); two long horizontal lines above and two below.
Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.,