IMP CONSTANTIVS P F AVG: Radiate and cuirassed bust of Constantius Chlorus r., holding a transverse spear in his r. hand and a shield in his l.
VOT-A PVBLICA: Neptune standing r., l. foot on a prow, holding a trident in his r. hand and a dolphin in his l., facing Isis who stands facing him, wearing a basileion, holding a sistrum in her r. hand and a situla in her l.
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 4, pls. I, 4, and XII., F. Gnecchi, I medaglioni romani, Volume III: Bronzo, Milano 1912, p. 84, no. 12, pl. 158, 30, S. Estiot, ‘Sine arcu sagittae: La représentation numismatique de plumbatae/mattiobarbuli aux IIIe-IVe siècles (279-307 de n. è.)’, NZ 116-117 (2008), p. 199, no. 36.
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