DEO SE-RAPIDI or DEO SER-APIDI or DEO SA-RAPIDI or DEO SAR-APIDI or DEO SEP-APIDI (sic) or DEO SAP-APIDI (sic): Radiate, draped, and bearded bust of Serapis r., wearing a modius
VOTA P-VBLICA or VOT-A P-VB-LI-CA or VOTA PVBL-ICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Series II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 232, pls. V, 12, and XVIII, 13., NAC 92, 23-24.05.2016, lot 774, Sternberg XXXIII, 18-19.09.1997, lot 387
objectreference_facet:"Sternberg XXXIII, 18-19.09.1997, lot 387"osm,imperiumpk.eyJ1IjoiY3Jvd2FuIiwiYSI6ImNqaW4ydWhrdTA2Y2wza3Bvc28zcGw4ZHYifQ.a75vYZr5JlkNsrU2Z6Xw9g