DEO SE-RAPIDI or DEO SER-APIDI or DEO SA-RAPIDI or DEO SAR-APIDI or DEO SE-RAPIPI (sic) or VOTA P-VBLICA: Draped and bearded bust of Serapis r., wearing a modius
VOTA-PVBLICA or VOTA P-VBLICA VOTA or PV-BLICA: Harpocrates standing l., naked but for a mantle over his l. shoulder, setting his r. forefinger to his mouth and holding cornucopia in his l. hand
objectreference_facet:"Rauch 74, 07-08.12.2004, lot 749"osm,imperiumpk.eyJ1IjoiY3Jvd2FuIiwiYSI6ImNqaW4ydWhrdTA2Y2wza3Bvc28zcGw4ZHYifQ.a75vYZr5JlkNsrU2Z6Xw9g