D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87, pl. XIX, 40., E.A. Arslan et al. (eds), Iside. Il Mito il Mistero la Magia, Catalogo della Mostra di Milano, Milano 1997, p. 207, no. IV.171., E.A. Arslan, ‘Le emissioni monetarie «Isiache» di IV secolo a Roma e Alessandria’, in N. Bonacasa, A.M. Donadoni Roveri, S. Aiosa, P. Minà (eds), Faraoni come dei, Tolemei come Faraoni. Atti del V Congresso Internazionale Italo-Egiziano. Torino, Archivio di Stato. 8-12 dicembre 2001, Torino-Palermo 2003, p. 178, fig. 3., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 305, no. 513., O. Voetter, Die Münzen der römischen Kaiser, Kaiserinnen und Caesaren von Diocletianus bis Romulus (284-476). Katalog der hinterlassenen Sammlung und Aufzeichnungen des Herrn Paul Gerin, Vienna 1921, p. 255, no. 5.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA-PVBLICA: Isis seated facing on high-backed throne, wearing a basileion, and suckling Horus-Harpocrates
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 83, pl. II, 24., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 304, no. 507.
D N IOVIANV-S P F AVG COS: Pearl-diademed bust of Jovian r., wearing a consular garb, holding an eagle-tipped scepter in his r. hand and a globe in his l.
VOTA-PVBLICA: Serapis-Agathodaemon on the l., wearing a modius, and Isis-Thermouthis on the r., wearing a basileion, facing one another, both of them with a snake body, carrying a sacred vase between them from which a serpent emerges
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 80, pl. II, 34., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, 304, no. 504.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87, pl. II, 31., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 305, no. 513.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87., E.A. Arslan et al. (eds), Iside. Il Mito il Mistero la Magia, Catalogo della Mostra di Milano, Milano 1997, p. 207, no. IV.172.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87., Hirsch 24, 10.05.1909, no. 2716 (Weber coll.)., R. Göbl, Antike Numismatik. Band 2: Fussnoten zum Gesamtwerk, Literaturverzeichnis, Stichwortverzeichnis, Katalog, Tafeln und Tabellen, Munich 1978, pl. X, no. 128.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87, pl. II, 30., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 304, no. 512.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 87.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA PVBLICA: Isis standing l. in a tensa drawn by two mules, holding a sistrum in her r. hand and the reins in her l.
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 84, pl. II, 25., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 304, no. 508.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VO-TA PV-BL-ICA or VOTA P-VBLICA: Isis standing r. on galley with oars sailing r., head turned back l., wearing a basileion, with drapery billowing behind her and holding sail in both hands
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA PVBLICA: Isis standing l. in a tensa drawn by two mules, holding a sistrum in her raised r. hand, and accompanied by Anubis, who stands l., head turned back r., holding a branch in his raised r. hand
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 85, pl. II, 28., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 304, no. 509.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA-PVBLICA: Anubis standing l., wearing a tunic, a mantle over his shoulders and boots, holding a sistrum in his r. hand and a caduceus in his l.
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 86, pl. II, 29., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 304, no. 510.
D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Jovian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA PVBLICA: Isis standing l. in a tensa drawn by two mules, holding a sistrum in her r. hand and the reins in her l.
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 84, pl. II, 27.
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