FL CL IVLIANVS P P AVG (sic): Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Julian r., wearing a paludamentum
[VOTA PV]BLICA: Isis standing l. in a tensa drawn by two mules, holding a sistrum in her raised r. hand, and accompanied by Anubis, who stands l., head turned back r., holding a branch in his raised r. hand
FL CL IVLIA-NVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Julian r., wearing a paludamentum
VOTA P-VBLICA: Harpocrates standing l., naked but for a mantle over his l. shoulder, setting his r. forefinger to his mouth and holding cornucopia in his l. hand
ALEXSΔ-DRI: Bust of Alexander the Great left, wearing lion’s skin over head, its paws knotted on his chest. The legend shows a mixture of Latin and Greek letters.
D N IHV XPS DEI FILI-VS: Donkey standing right suckling a foal; a scorpion above.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina. Eine dritte Gruppe heidnischer Neujahrsmünzen im spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (7), 1951, pp. 57-66, C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), pp. 274-275, no. 1, pl. 23.1, D.B. de Montfaucon, L’antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures. Tome second, II, Paris 1719, pp. 372-373, F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131, H. Cohen, Description Historique des Monnaies frappées sous l’empire romain communément appelées médailles imperials, Paris 1892, VIII, p. 323, no. 403.
ALEX-XANDR: Bust of Alexander the Great right, wearing lion’s skin.
No legend: Hercules, standing to the left, holds a club in his right hand and gives the other hand to Minerva, who stands on the right side, holding a spear with her left hand, a shield at her feet.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina II. Weitere heidnische Neujahrsmünzen aus dem spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (8), 1951, pp. 92-96, C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), pp. 275-276, no. 3, Pl. 23.3., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131, F. Vettori, De vetustate et forma monogrammatis SS. Nominis Jesu, Romae 1747, pp. 60-64, H. Cohen, Description Historique del Monnaies frappées sous l'empire romain communément appelées médailles imperials, Paris 1892, p. 322, no. 401
ALEXA-ND: Bust of Alexander the Great right, wearing lion’s skin. The legend is worn and probably reads ALEXAND[ER].
Donkey standing right suckling a foal; a scorpion above.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina. Eine dritte Gruppe heidnischer Neujahrsmünzen im spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (7), 1951, pp, 57-66, C. Cavedoni, 'Médailles du temps d’Honorius portant des signes chrétiens mêlés à des types païens', Revue Numismatique 1857, pp. 309-314, C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), p. 275, no. 2, Pl. 23.2., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131, F. Vettori, De vetustate et forma monogrammatis SS. Nominis Jesu, Romae 1747, pp. 60-64
D N HONORI-VS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust of Honorius right.
ASINA: Donkey standing right suckling a foal.
C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), pp. 277, no. 7, Pl. 23.6., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131., G. Tanini, Numismatum Imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio ad Constantinum Draconem ab Anselmo Bandurio editorum Supplementum, Rome, p. 352, pl. VIII.
D N HONORI-VS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust of Honorius right.
ASINA: Donkey standing right suckling a foal.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina. Eine dritte Gruppe heidnischer Neujahrsmünzen im spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (7), 1951, p. 59., C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), pp. 277-278, no. 8, Pl. 24.7.
D N VA […] S (?) P F AVG: Draped and diademed bust of a Roman emperor (Valentinian II or III?), right.
Donkey standing right suckling a foal, with a scorpion above.
C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), p. 277, no. 6., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, p. 114, no. 7., H. Cohen, Description Historique des Monnaies frappées sous l’empire romain communément appelées médailles imperials, VIII, Paris 1892, p. 322, no. 402.
ALEXS-ANDRI: Bust of Alexander the Great right, wearing lion’s skin over head, its paws knotted on his chest.
No legend: Erotic scene showing an ithyphallic man standing left, who touches the back of a woman right, leaning against a vase, and turned towards the man.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina II. Weitere heidnische Neujahrsmünzen aus dem spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (8), 1951, pp. 92-96., C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), p. 276, no. 4, Pl. 23.4., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131., H. Cohen, Description Historique des Monnaies frappées sous l’empire romain communément appelées médailles imperials, VIII, Paris 1892, p. 322, no. 402.
D N V [...]: Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust of a Roman emperor.
No legend: Donkey standing right suckling a foal; a scorpion above.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina II. Weitere heidnische Neujahrsmünzen aus dem spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (8), 1951, pp. 92-96., C. Cavedoni, 'Médailles du temps d’Honorius portant des signes chrétiens mêlés à des types païens', Revue Numismatique 1857, pp. 309-314., C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), p. 276, no. 5, Pl. 23.5., F. Lenzi, 'Di alcune medaglie religiose del IV secolo', Bilychnis 2, 1913, pp. 113-131., F. Vettori, De vetustate et forma monogrammatis SS. Nominis Jesu, Romae 1747, pp. 60-64., P.M. Paciaudi, Osservazioni sopra alcune singolari e strane medaglie, Napoli 1748.
PROVI-DENTIA R M: Female bust with crown ending in a crescent shape (Isis?) right.
ROMA: Donkey standing right suckling a foal; a scorpion above.
A. Alföldi, 'Asina. Eine dritte Gruppe heidnischer Neujahrsmünzen im spätantiken Rom', GNS 2 (7), 1951, pp. 57-66., A. Hess, Römische Münzen, Sammlungen F. A. Walters und P. H. Webb, Montag, den 9. Mai 1932 und folgende Tage, lot 2768., C. Mondello, ‘Re-reading the So-called «Asina tokens»: Religious Diversity in Late Antiquity’, AJN 32 (2020), p. 278, no. 9, Pl. 24.8., Martinetti and Nervegna, Médailles grecques et romaines. Aes grave, 18 Novembre 1907 et les jours suivants (Paris 1907), lot 2100.
D N FL CL IVLI-ANVS P F AVG: Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Julian l., holding Victory on globe in his r. hand and a shield decorated with a she-wolf and twins motif over his l. shoulder
A. Alföldi, Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian Emperors of the IVth Century (Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pàzmàny Nominatae Budapestinensis Provenientes, Serie II, 7), Budapest 1937, no. 70, pl. II, 18., J.P.C. Kent, The Roman Imperial Coinage. The family of Constantine I. A.D. 337-364, vol. VIII, London 1981, p. 302, no. 490.
Displaying records 2641 to 2660 of 3779 total results.