Obverse: siur - Prow right; mast and sail above; legend in North-eastern Iberian script; linear border.
Reverse: si - Carrying ring, from which are suspended two strigils and an aryballos; legend around to right in north-eastern Iberian
script; linear border.
Description: From stratigraphic excavations, 2005-2007, at the Iberian settlement of Cerro Lucena, above Saitabi (modern Xàtiva) in Spain.
It was found in room 13, from strigraphic unit SU 3167, which belongs to sub-phase III - the level that covers and seals the
floor. Ceramics date the stratum to before the mid first century BC.
Note: The date range is most likely end of the second century/beginning of the first century BC. Die axis is given as 210 degrees.
Siur may be a place name, abbreviated to Si on the other side of the token.
CopyrightHolder: University of Warwick
License: All images are copyright of their respective institutions (images)