Dissard, P. 1905. Collection Récamier. Catalogue des plombs antiques (sceaux, tessères, monnaies et objets divers), Paris and London: Rollin et Feuardent, https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000740205
Herakles and tripod: Nude male figure, laureate (?), seated left on rock, facing a tripod from which a snake arises, uncertain object in right hand. Border of dots 17 mm. in diameter.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000211771)
Cohen, H. (1859-68). Description historique des monnaies frappées sous l'Empire romain communément appelées, médailles impériales (8 vols). Paris, M. Rollin.
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000211771)
Lang, M. and M. Crosby (1964). The Athenian Agora X: Weights, Measures and Tokens. Princeton, New Jersey, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (https://zenon.dainst.org/Record/000211771)