Material: Palombino Marble
Displaying records 41 to 60 of 61 total results.

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- LVE: Mould half for token of two different sizes, each with their own casting channel and branches coming off it. On the left is a set of 5 circular tokens of 17mm with LVE, and on the right another 7 tokens of 9mm size with the same legend (LVE) presented as a monogram. Nail holes in the upper right and lower left corners
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 33: 146-153

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Fragment of a mould half with only one token mould visible. A circular token of 20m decorated with a nude male figure standing left holding uncertain objects (bow and arrow?)
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 33: 146-153

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- C C C: Mould half for 5 circular tokens of 18mm, all of the same design: Apollo standing left holding branch and leaning on tripod, C C C around. There is a central casting channel and branches coming off it and nail holes in the upper right and lower left corners
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 33: 146-153
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- A: Mould half for 9 circular tokens of 10mm, all with the same legend: A. Casting channels present
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Mould half for 9 circular tokens of different sizes (15, 16, 17mm), all with the same design: a lituus.
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Hexagonal mould half for 9 circular tokens of 13-15mm, all with the same design: crossed cornucopiae.
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- MVNICIP PAX IVVENT SECVRIT M ACILI FELICIT: A mould half for 9 circular tokens of differing designs. On the right the designs are: Mars, armed standing right holding spear in right hand and shield in left (18mm), Victory advancing right holding wreath and palm (18mm), MVN/ICIP (18mm), PAX (15mm). On the left the types are: IVV/ENT (18mm), SECV/RIT (18mm), M/ACILI (18mm), Victory riding right in a biga holding wreath (18mm) and FELI/CIT. There is a central channel.
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.
object: 1
- Obverse
- Mould for 7 circular (?) tokens of 13mm all of the same type: Fortuna holding rudder in the right hand and cornucopia in the left.
- Reference
- NSc. 1913, 216
object: 1
- Date
- 50 B.C. - A.D. 68
- Obverse
- RF: Mould for 9 circular tokens, all with the same legend: RF. The mould has a central canal, but no casting branches off to the individual tokens. There are holes for nails in the top right and lower left corners.
object: 1
- Obverse
- E: Mould for circular tokens of 15mm, all with the same legend.
- Reference
- Vaglieri, D. (1907). Ostia. Notizie degli scavi di Antichità 4: 17-19, 121-123.

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- VC ST: Fragment of a mould half for two sets of triangular tokens. On the left are 5 triangular tokens of 10mm with VC, and the right the remnants of two token moulds from another set of 13mm with ST.
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 33: 146-153

object: 1
- Obverse
- Mould for 8 circular tokens all with the same design: a cornucopia within a wreath.
- Reference
- NSc. 1912 p. 434
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- ΦΛ: Mould for two types of token. On the left of the central casting channel are triangular tokens of 9 mm carrying the legend ΦΛ, and on the right square tokens (7x6mm) showing a figure carrying a pole in their left hand and with their right outstretched.
- Reference
- NSc. 1913, 132
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Mould for tokens of uncertain design. No description is given in the publication.
- Reference
- NSc. 1877, p. 357
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- LGA: Mould with central canal and branches for 5 circular tokens of 13.5mm, all of the same design: L above GA.
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Mould for 5 circular tokens of 18.5mm, all of the same design: Mercury standing right holding caduceus in left hand and purse in right
- Reference
- Rostowzew, M. (1903). Tesserarum urbis romae et suburbi. St. Petersburg.

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Fragment of a mould half showing moulds for 3 square tokens of 12mm, all of the same design: Fortuna with rudder and cornucopia.
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo nel Museo Nazionale Romano. Notizie degli scavi di Antichità: 11-17, no. 2

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- L or A: Mould half for two different types of tokens of 16mm; 3 square tokens incised L and two triangular tokens incised A. There is a central channel and a hole in the lower left corner of the mould.
- Reference
- Cesano, L. (1904). Matrici e tessere di piombo nel Museo Nazionale Romano. Notizie degli scavi di Antichità: 11-17
object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Mold half for 7 square tokens of 10mmx10mm with the casting channels. The design of the tokens is only roughly sketched/visible.
- Reference
- NSc. 1913, p. 396

object: 1
- Date
- A.D. 1 - A.D. 300
- Obverse
- Marble mould for 7 oval tokens of 9mm, whose types are too rough to be made out.
- Reference
- NSc. 1907, 121
Displaying records 41 to 60 of 61 total results.